Cash Center Service

Many large financial institutions already outsource their cash handling to Loomis Schweiz AG.

As an outsourcing specialist, Loomis Schweiz AG operates the cash centers for these banks with its own staff and takes orders from the bank's merchants.

Loomis Schweiz AG, together with its sister company Loomis International AG, carries out valuables transport both nationally and internationally.

The banks receive detailed statistics. By outsourcing to Loomis Schweiz AG, banks save time and money and significantly reduce their investment needs.

Our Services

How can we help?

Request an offer from Loomis Schweiz AG

We help you reduce your costs while simultaneously increasing security when handling payments, cash, and valuables.

Loomis Schweiz AG

Steinackerstrasse 49
CH-8302 Kloten

Tel:   +41 (0) 43 488 90 00
Fax:  +41 (0) 43 488 90 01


We are here to help

Find out how Loomis can help you reduce costs while improving safety and accuracy.

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