SafePoint – the intelligent cash deposit unit for small and medium-size businesses.

SafePoint provided by Loomis Schweiz AG is a complete service package designed for small and medium-size businesses looking for a secure, efficient and cost-effective means of managing their cash logistics.

Proactive cash management is at the heart of SafePoint. Its dynamic programming algorithm forecasts when the unit will need to be serviced. The service is supported by an intelligent cash deposit unit, provided by Loomis Schweiz AG and installed on the customer’s premises.

You will be impressed by the speed and ease with which the unit is operated. Currency deposits can be pre-financed and directly credited to the customer’s account. SafePoint eliminates the risk to your staff, saves you valuable time and reduces your costs.

Our services

  • Deposits of all banknotes (CHF and EUR, including CHF 1,000) and CHF coins
  • Fast banknote feeder
  • Banknotes deposits are credited daily, weekly or monthly, depending on the service model selected
  • Closed-loop security system (safe bag automatically sealed prior to opening vault)
  • Real-time monitoring of deposits
  • Dynamic cash management system means deposits are collected by Loomis Schweiz AG when the unit is full
  • Real-time daily reporting, detailed statistics for multiple users (1 cash deposit unit for a number of independent depositors)
  • Comprehensive insurance cover

Your benefits

  • Proactive control and management tool
  • You save time and money compared to your current process
  • No capital expenditure: the cash deposit unit is provided by Schweiz AG
  • Complete solution for a flat monthly fee
  • Cost advantage because the unit is emptied only when necessary

High security

  • Only Loomis Schweiz AG has access to valuables
  • Efficient deposit process eliminates waiting times
  • Easy to use - maximum security



Safepoint helps to cut the time, labour and cost it takes to manage your cash handling needs. It's as simple to deposit notes and/or coins as it is easy and fast to reconciliate through full transparency on all transactions.


Smart technologies, services and software include AI for dynamic logistics and cash needs forecasting. This means less risks for your business and employees, secure cash immediately and eliminated liability, reduced number of times cash is handled and real-time control of the whole cash journey.


Smart technologies, services and software include AI for dynamic logistics and cash needs forecasting. You get automatic and detailed reporting, digital services for total remote management and real-time monitoring.


With a SafePoint smart safe in place Loomis can seamlessly manage your cash and safely transport your takings – you can deposit your cash takings at point of sale, check for counterfeit notes, keep full transparency of each transaction.

Our range of SafePoint safes check, count and reconcile your cash takings, and enable automated collection. What’s more, the contents are fully indemnified by Loomis, meaning that even if the worst happens, your business is fully covered.



Learn more about our different SafePoint solutions

SafePoint Store

Ideal for large retailers or businesses with many cashiers and large cash volumes. Our Store Smart Recycler is the fastest to process coins and notes from any currency, saving time and money to your business.

SafePoint Boutique

Great for cash extensive businesses in need of quick and secured deposits. The Boutique Smart Safe can manage banknotes and coins from one or multiple currencies.

SafePoint Compact

The best choice for businesses with reduced cash volumes. Our Compact Smart Safe is ideal for small spaces. It's specially designed to manage banknotes only. Coins side car add-on available.

SafePoint Contactless

Ultimate solution for the cash payments self service. The Contactless Recycler is the best option to place within your cashiers to recieve any cash payment and give the change back while ensuring the minimum human contact with the cash.

Contact us

How can we help?

Get a quote from Loomis

Let us help you reduce costs and improve security when handling payments, cash and valuables.

Loomis Schweiz AG

Steinackerstrasse 49
CH-8302 Kloten

Tel:   +41 (0) 43 488 90 00
Fax:  +41 (0) 43 488 90 01


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Find out how Loomis can help you reduce costs while improving safety and accuracy.

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