Bestil møntrulle her

Bestilling af møntruller er en løsning, som er tilpasset små og mindre butikker,

som fortsat anvender døgnbokse, men har svært ved at skaffe sig byttepenge til den daglige drift.

Løsningen forudsætter kontrakt med Loomis.

Ordering coin rolls is a solution that is adapted to small and smaller shops that use Loomis Night Safes, but find it difficult to obtain petty cash for their day-to-day business.
The solution requires a contract with Loomis.

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Let us help you reduce costs and improve security when handling payments, cash and valuables.

Loomis Schweiz AG

Steinackerstrasse 49
CH-8302 Kloten

Tel:   +41 (0) 43 488 90 00
Fax:  +41 (0) 43 488 90 01


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Find out how Loomis can help you reduce costs while improving safety and accuracy.

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