Frequenly Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the questions we get the most often.
If you are missing something, please contact us by phone or e-mail.

  • Customer Portal 8
  • Cash Processing 2
  • How do I find my order history?
    Under Order history you can see the most recent history

    Fill in the yellow fields and press Search or Create report.

  • Hvordan ændrer eller sletter jeg en ad hoc ordre?

    Deleting a fixed cash order

    Press Edit Order - Press Stop. The order is now deleted.

  • How do I change the setup of reports?
    Du kan ændre opsætning af rapporter under Profil > Indstillinger > Rediger indstillinger. 

    Vælg Rapportering under Ressource og vælg her Xlsx i stedet for Pdf.
  • How do I order an ad hoc order?
    Kontakt kundeservice på for godkendelse af ad hoc kørsel. 

    Når vi har ”accepteret” dagen, kan du ligge en ad hoc bestilling i bestillingssystemet og du gør som følgende: 

    1. Sæt hak i Ad-hoc (firkant øverste linje / se nedenfor) og der åbnes for Ad-hoc bestilling, så alle dage bliver hvide
    2. Dobbeltklik på det hvide felt for den ønskede leveringsdag og bestil byttepenge (ekstra gebyr for ad-hoc kørsel vil oftest blive pålagt).
  • How do I change my password?
    You can change your Password under Profile Edit Profile and enter a new password that is easy for you to remember.
  • How do I change or delete an ad hoc order?

    Deleting an ad hoc cash order

    Double-click on your order to open it. Press Delete order.

    The order now changes color from Dark Gray to Red. If you hover the mouse over the "?" in the order calendar, you can see a description of the order status.

  • Hvordan bestiller jeg byttepenge?
    MICHAEL: Do you have to get approval before or after you place the order? Found two guides that say different things.


    Change money can be ordered under the Order Calendar.

    1. Select Coins under Service Types.
    2. Select your fixed delivery date (white field) by double-clicking on the field.
    3. If you tick Ad-hoc, Ad-hoc ordering opens.
    4. Double-click on the desired delivery day and order change.
    5. Contact customer service by email for approval of the Ad-hoc day (extra fee for ad-hoc driving will usually be imposed).


    Ad hoc orders:
    Contact customer service at for approval of ad hoc driving. When we have "accepted" the day, you can place an ad hoc order in the ordering system and do as you like

    1. Tick Ad-hoc (square top line / see below) and Ad-hoc ordering will be opened, so that all days will be white.

    2. Double-click the white field for the desired delivery day and order change (extra fee for ad-hoc driving will usually be charged).

    If you have any questions about the above, you are very welcome to contact Loomis Customer Service on phone +45 7026 4242 or send us one via the contact form.
  • How do I log in?
    You can find the login page HERE.

    You also get access to the ordering system via and My pages (top right corner) Press the button at the bottom of the page: How to get started.

    You will shortly receive an email with username, passwords & key card and then you are ready to use the Ordering System. You can change your Password under Profile – Edit Profile and enter a new password that you can remember.
  • Are there many counterfeit notes in circulation?
    In recent times, we in Denmark have experienced a significant increase in the number of fake DKK banknotes in circulation at Danish retail stores, with a lot of media coverage as a result.

    While it is true that there has been an increase in the number of cases of counterfeit notes recently, it is important to emphasize that the level remains low - both in isolation, but especially when we compare ourselves with other countries. Danish cash is still a safe means of payment.

    Many of the new counterfeits are incredibly well made, but there are still security features on the notes that are very difficult to bypass. Some are designed to be read by machines and others can be seen with the naked eye.

    Therefore, when receiving cash, remember to use your senses. Feel, listen and look at the note. Be, among other things, pay attention to these elements:
    ✔ All notes have a watermark. A watermark is something that is created in the paper during manufacturing. The watermark can be seen when you hold the note up to the light. It is quite difficult to reproduce.
    ✔ The notes have a hologram. It is a metallic element with very fine lines, which reflects the light in all the colors of the rainbow. It is also difficult to fake.
    ✔ The notes have a copper print, which is made with a very special printing technique. The pressure can be felt with the fingertips. It is also difficult to imitate.
    ✔ The notes are printed on cotton paper. It is a type of paper that is stiff and has a particularly crisp sound when the note flaps in the air. Most counterfeits are made on plain paper, and here it is usually easy to tell the difference.

    If necessary, use a special UV pen or lamp to help ensure the authenticity of the banknote.
    In addition to the above, there are a lot of other security elements. You can read more about them here:

    DR recently published an article which illuminates the problem in more depth. The article can be read here:

    As always, you are welcome to contact Loomis if you have any questions or need further input.
  • Does Loomis buy Norwegian and Swedish kroner?
    No, unfortunately Loomis does not buy Swedish and Norwegian kroner.

    In several countries there are problems with exchanging Danish cash. This is because Danish banks have become more reluctant to receive Danish cash from foreign banks. The banks consider that they cannot be sufficiently assured in relation to their obligations under the money laundering regulations. This has meant that several foreign banks and bureaux de change have now stopped accepting Danish cash abroad.

    This now also applies to Swedish kroner (SEK) and Norwegian kroner (NOK).

    Loomis is therefore forced to stop submitting SEK and NOK indefinitely effective from 16 June 2023, as we can no longer get rid of them.
  • How do I order deposit bags and deposit slips etc.?

    Under Order accessories, you can order attachments, etc.

    When ordering attachments - please fill in Reg. no. and Account number.

  • How do I fill in the forms and bags?
  • How do I pack a value net?
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  • Customer Portal 8
  • Cash Processing 2
  • Cash in Transit 0
  • Coin Services 0
  • ATM Solutions 0

How can we help?

Request an offer from Loomis Schweiz AG

We help you reduce your costs while simultaneously increasing security when handling payments, cash, and valuables.

Loomis Schweiz AG

Steinackerstrasse 49
CH-8302 Kloten

Tel:   +41 (0) 43 488 90 00
Fax:  +41 (0) 43 488 90 01


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